Who we serve
Other Industries
We're proud to work with a variety of players in the electricity system.
Load serving entities
Load serving entities
We can help utilities, retail energy providers, and community choice agencies to reduce exposure to real-time price volatility and lower costs.
Renewable generators
Renewable generators
Owners of solar, wind, hydro, and battery assets can work with us to increase revenues through optimized bidding based on our price forecasts.
DER aggregators
DER aggregators
Aggregators of distributed energy resources can work with us to decide when to dispatch assets to provide grid services that maximize value.
Grid operators
Grid operators
We can help grid operators ensure a reliable and low-carbon electricity grid by predicting electricity load, generation, and transmission capacity.
Forecasting solutions
Other Use Cases
We specialize in forecasts necessary to thrive in an evolving energy system.
Energy demand
Energy demand
Forecast electricity and heating demand at any granularity.
Renewable generation
Renewable generation
Leverage localized data for wind and solar production forecasts.
Market prices
Market prices
Accurately predict energy market prices across many geographies.
Building strategic partnerships
Our goal is to help our clients increase their company’s profitability. We engage with clients’ leadership to understand strategic goals and explore how our forecasts can have a meaningful impact.
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How we work together
Taking inventory
We start each collaboration by creating an inventory of your forecasting use cases — estimating the potential for improvement and sizing the business impact of addressing each use case.
Proof of concept
For a priority use case, we’ll conduct a Proof of Concept (POC). In this phase, our data science team creates custom forecasting models and evaluates the corresponding business opportunity.
Forecasting service
After the POC shows positive impact, we move forward with ongoing forecasting services. Your team will receive new forecasts regularly to use in day-to-day decision-making and realize true business impact.
Data Integration
Our team works with you to set up continuous data integrations with automated data quality checks.
Live Forecasting
You can view our forecasts in live dashboards or access them through our API and client libraries.
Our data scientists actively monitor each forecast to ensure reliable ongoing performance.
Ongoing partnership
After starting a forecasting service for your first use case, we review the original inventory to prioritize additional use cases that grow the value of our partnership to your business.
“Myst AI is helping us increase the accuracy of our forecasts and lower our energy costs. In addition, their platform might be a key component in helping us manage our large-scale and distributed renewable assets and battery systems.”
Howard Chang
Howard Chang
Chief Operating Officer
East Bay Community Energy
“Partners like Myst AI are critical to help us leverage powerful artificial intelligence tools that can accelerate the clean energy transition. Myst AI’s forecasts enable us to shift to more low-carbon energy sources while driving business value.”
Arun Aggarwal
Arun Aggarwal
SVP Business Technology
The Myst Platform
Our service is powered by our proprietary platform. The Myst Platform provides data from a myriad of third-party vendors and offers the same flexibility you would get from open source modeling tools, while optimizing for more effective workflows through automation, scalability, and performance.
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Myst Platform